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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Some Issues Related to Tonsillectomy You Should Know

What is Tonsillectomy?

 Do you know what it is tonsillectomy? Tonsillectomy is action to remove the tonsils. The procedure has been known since 1000 BC by the Indians. After the widespread use of antibiotics in the late 20th century, the frequency of tonsil surgery is much reduced.

Tonsillectomy is often performed to treat infected tonsils and pharynx repetitive, upper airway obstruction, and chronic middle ear infections.

Tonsillectomy to pre-school children

Based on the results of the study showed that, by performing tonsillectomy procedure pre-school children who have a history of pharyngeal infection will get benefits. There are several reasons why a tonsillectomy performed, tonsillectomy in teens is usually done because of recurrent tonsil infections, infection of the tissue around the tonsils, and tonsillar abscess. Being in children is most often performed because of recurrent tonsil infections and enlarged tonsils.

Tonsillectomy Procedure

Tonsillectomy should be performed if enlarged tonsils have caused heart problems - lung due to airway obstruction, stop breathing while sleeping and difficulty when swallowing food resulting weight loss sufferers. Tonsillectomy is also carried out if there are recurrent tonsillar abscess or abscess that has spread to the tissues around the tonsils.

In the following circumstances, the decision to perform tonsillectomy depending on physician assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of these measures, based on patient's medical history and current condition.

These situations include: recurrent tonsil infections, although have got good medical treatment, tonsil infection is known through culture caused by streptococcus bacteria, which causes enlargement of the tonsils swallowing disorders mild - moderate, with a history of rheumatic fever is suspected cardiac damage associated with infection chronic recurrent tonsil, enlarged tonsils that cause changes in the mouth and face shape and arrangement of the teeth due to narrowing of the airway.

Prior to tonsillectomy, do some preparation. Medical history and physical examination should be done carefully and complete, especially regarding bleeding disorders. Also conducted blood and urine tests, it is sometimes necessary examination of a chest X-ray and EKG.

Doctors should explain to patients about surgical procedures to be performed, the expected benefits of the surgery, the pain may occur after surgery, as well as discomfort in the throat 7 to 10 days post-surgery. Patient's family is also given a description of diet, activity, and the symptoms that may occur after surgery, such as ear pain and bleeding aftershocks that may arise when the patient has returned home.

Complications of Tonsillectomy

Common complication of tonsillectomy is bleeding, which can occur immediately or several days after the surgery. Excessive bleeding can be addressed immediately with electrocautery or binding of the veins (ligation), which requires repeated anesthesia.

For subsequent bleeding can be done with AgNO3 cautery or emphasis on the location of the bleeding. However, in patients who are not cooperative or severe bleeding, action electrocautery and ligation with repeated anesthesia is sometimes necessary.

Actually outpatient tonsillectomy is surgery, but in some circumstances, for example, the patient felt nauseated and difficult to swallow food or stay away from medical facilities as well as concerns susulun onset of bleeding, patients should be hospitalized.

Some Issues Related to Tonsillectomy You Should Know Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Usgi


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