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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Paralysis Mechanism due to Polio you Should Know

Paralysis due to Polio

Paralysis due to polio is a nightmare for the sufferer. Activity can no longer be lived like normal people. In fact, in some cases, the patient must get help from the people around him to undergo daily routine.

Maybe someone would like to know, how a group of polio virus can paralyze a human child. Here we try to describe.

Paralysis Mechanism due to Polio

Oral poliovirus that will infect the cells in the intestinal wall. Here, the virus multiplies (replicates). Then the virus into the bloodstream. The virus will continue to carry the blood flow until a moment arrives in the spinal cord. The spinal cord is a 'terminal between' journey sensory nerve fibers (fibers that receive stimuli from the skin, eyes, etc., and then forward it to the brain) and motor nerve fibers (which carry commands from the brain to the effector organs such as muscles). Acting as a 'terminal end of' is the brain.

Whether due to any reason, would rather stop the polio virus in the spinal cord motor areas. Ironically, the polio virus does not just stop, but also damage the motor nerve cells in the area. Consequently command (motor) of the brain can not get to the executive organs (effectors) that targets the muscles or other organs such as the diaphragm, etc.. This situation causes paralysis wither on the area innervated by motor nerve was damaged.

Because sensory nerves are not disturbed, then all kinds of flavors can still be scanned by the brain. That is, the organs are paralyzed, if scratched still feels pain, if splashed by hot water was still hot.

In children who have acquired polio immunization, when will replicate in the cell wall of the intestine, poliovirus with immediately recognizable and then murdered by a gang the immune cells of the child.

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