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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Goiter: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Handling

Non toxic goiter or simple enlarged thyroid gland that not caused by inflammation or neoplasm is generally classified as endemic or sporadic. Mumps appears when the thyroid gland can not produce and secrete enough hormones to meet the metabolic needs. As a result, levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (htyroid-stimulating hormone-TSH) rise and cause enlarged thyroid gland caused by inadequate hormone synthesis. As a result of hormonal cause mild to moderate damage.

Endemic goiter is more common in women than men, especially during adolescence and pregnancy, when the body's demand for thyroid hormone increases. Sporadic goiter is not attacking certain segments of the population. Both types have a good prognosis if treated appropriately.

 Causes of Goiter

  • Both types of goiter: hereditary disorder that can lead to the synthesis of T is not sufficient or iodine metabolism disorders
  • Endemic goiter: intake of iodine in the diet is not sufficient to lead to the production and secretion of hormones is not enough
  • Sporadic goiter: tercernanya goitrogenik food in large quantities or drug use goitrogenik
(Drug goitregonik: propylthiouracil (PTU), methimazole (Tapazole), iodide and lithium (Lithobid))
(Food goitregonik: cabbage, soy beans, peanuts, peaches, peas, strawberries, spinach and turnips).

Signs and Symptoms of Goiter

  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland mild to very large and multinodular
  • Respiratory distress and dysphagia due to compression of the trachea and esophagus and caused swelling and distended neck
  • Large Goiter: venosa returns obstruction that causes veins filled and swollen, and dikasus rare, the development of collateral circulation in the chest venosa, and may be accompanied by dizziness and syncope (if the patient raise the arm above the head). 

Diagnostic Test

  • Thyroid ultrasound showed thyroid lumps
  • Biopsy showed the lesion type
  • TSH levels can be high or normal
  • Serum T4 concentrations in normal or below normal
  • The entry of iodine 131 normal or increased (50% of the dose for 24 hours) 

Handling Actions

  • Eksogenosa thyroid hormone replacement with levothyroxine (synthroid) is a treatment option that reduces the secretion of TSH and allow the gland to rest
  • Small doses of iodine (Lugol's solution or potassium iodide) generally relieve goiter caused by iodine deficiency
  • Sporadic Goiter patients should avoid medications and foods that are known goitregonik
  • Large Goiter that does not respond to treatment may require subtotal thyroidectomy. 

Goiter: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Handling Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Usgi


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